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Суббота, 17 Ноября 2012 16:46

Polish Championship 2012 (64)

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Championships of Poland took place from 7th to 11th of November. I scored 10 points and took 7th place. I'm not content with my result. Expectations were much bigger. My problem was time management. I spend too much time in debut. We played on time 45 min+ 30 sec per move and  I usually used 25-35 min to 3-5 moves and then there was no time for good moves ;-) Better result I got in blitz game on time 3 min - 2 sec per move where I took third place and bronze medal. I'm really happy about that.

I present a few games of these Championships.

1. Knio?a ( 8pkt) - Dudkiewicz (10 pkt)  8th rounds.   

I' had to win, to dream of a medal

1.ed4 fe5 2. dxf6 gxe5 3. ab4 hg5  

4. gh4 ef4 5. hxf6 exg5 6. bc5 dxb4 7. cxa5 fe7 8. ba3 hg7 9. ab4 ed6 10. ab2 gh6 11. ba3 de5 12. dc3 de7 13. cd4 exc3 14. bxd2 bc5 15. fg3 ed6 16. gxe5 dxf4 17. gf2 

I realized the advantage but unfortunately in this position I had about 40 seconds. My opponent play 17... cd6 

18. dc3? ( Winning variant 18. fg3! de5 [18... bc7 19. gxe5 dxf4 20. dc3 gh4 21. cd2 X ] 19. gh4 cd4 20. gxf6 exg7 21. ef2 X ) 18... bc7?? ( 18... de5! =) 

19. cd2?  Here I missed winning variant. Scarcely after the game, I saw it in the analysis.

19. cb4!! cd4 

20. ab6! cxc3 21. ab4 cxa5 22. fe3 dxf2 23. exc7 with winning positions.

Unfortunately both games I drew and the last round I didn't play for a medal. ;-) 

2. Kniola - Grzesiak (blitz) 

h2-a5 g7-h2 

1. gh4 fg5 2. hxf6 exg5 3. cb4 bc5 4. bc3 gh4 5. ef4 hg7 6. de3 gf6 7. cd4 fg7 8. dxb6 axc5 9. cb2! 

9... ba7 10. fe5 dxd2 11. bxb8 dc1. 12. bc3 fe5 13. bxg3 hxf4 14. ab6 axc5 15. ed2 cxe3 16. fxb6 

funny, but I drew this positions ;-))) 

3. Grzesiak - Kniola (blitz) 

h2-a5 g7-h2 

1. gh4 fg5 2. hxf6 exg5 3. cb4 bc5 4. ef4 gxe3 5. fxb6 axc5 6. de3 hg5 7. ef2 hg7 8. ef4 gxe3 9. fxb6 


interesting position

9... gf6? (the best move 9... de5!) 10. cd2 fg5? (de5) 11. ba7 gh4 12. de3 de7 13. ef4 (13 bc5 dxb4 14. axc3 +/- with a sharp game) 

13... hg3 14. fg5 gf2 15. gxe3 ef6 16. gxc5 cb6 17. axc7 dxf2 18. bc5 fe1 19. cd6 eh4 20. ab4 hd8 21. bc5 

and players agreed to a draw. 1-1 

Прочитано 2485 раз Последнее изменение Четверг, 22 Ноября 2012 13:11

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