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Суббота, 03 Ноября 2012 04:07

Polish Championship Team in draughts (brazilian version, flying)

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I present the two games held at the Polish Championship Team (64) , which were held October 26-28.

I played first game with young Polish player, who plays mainly 100 draughts. His name Derlatka. 


Derlatka - Kniola 

1.ab4 bc5 2. ba5 cb4 3.gf4 fe5  (flying)

4. cd4 exc3 5.bxd4 ba3 6.dc5 dxb4 7.axc3 gf6 8.hg3 was the move, after which i was looking for a good plan for me. I have decided to 8...fg5 9. gh4 ef6 10. cd4 fe5 11. dxf6 gxe7 12. ab2  ab6 ( here i play rounding. After 12.. hg7 he can 13. bc3 gf6 14. fg3 15. gh2.. and i have problem with good development. ) 13. bc3 ba5 14. fg5 hxf4 15. exg5 hg7 ( after 16. gh6 gf6 formed symmetrical positions ) 16. gf6 gxe5 17.cb2 axe3 (brazilian version) 18.fxf6 exg5 19. hxf6 


 Here I found a winning plan for black

19... cd6 20.gf2 dc5 21.fe3 cb4 22. ef4 bxd2 23. exc3 bc7 24. fg5 cd6 25. cd4 ( 25. gh6 dc5 26. fg7 de7!X) 25... Ab4! ( 25... de5 26.fg7! fxf4 27. dxf6=) 26. gh6 ( 26. dc5 de5 27. fxd4 bxd6 28. gf6 dc7 29. fe7 fg7X) 26... ba3 27. fg7 ab2X  



Grzesiak is one of the best Polish player. In first game was draw. 


In first game my opponet play 1cb4 I did not want repeat. I decided to 1.gf4 

1... ba5 2. cb4 axc3 3. dxb4 gf6 4. bc5 dxb4 5. axc5 ( White plays actively) fg5 6. bc3 hg7 7.ab2 ed6 8. cxe7 fxd6 9. cb4 ab6 10. ba5 bc5 11. bc3 cb4 12. cd4 ba3 13. ed2! ba7 ( 13... gf6 14. de5 fxd4 15. exe7 dxf6 16. fe5 17.fg3X )  14. de5

dc5 ( 14... ab2 15. cxa3 dc5 16. ab6 cxa5 17. dc3 ab6 18. ed4!! cxe3 [ 18... gxe3 19.ed6 cxe7 20.cb4 axe5 21.fxh8X] 19. fxd2 ++/-- ) (14... de7?? 15. ed4! gxc5 16. cb2 axc3 17. fxh8X  15.dc3 cb6 16. axc7 dxb6 17. cb4 cd4 18. exc3 axc5 19. cb2 ba5 20. ba3 ab6 21. hg3X


And finally i show position for today ;-) 

black move. black has weak positions because left wing is paralyzed. how black can equalize the game? ( Very interesting and unusual play :) ) 


I greet all players :)

Прочитано 11044 раз Последнее изменение Суббота, 03 Ноября 2012 16:06

Последнее от marekk


# alphahuman 03.11.2012 17:00
Which variety of draughts the last position is?
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# marekk 03.11.2012 20:44
my analysis of interesting debut, alphahuman.
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+1 # alphahuman 03.11.2012 22:23
I meant brazilian or russian. I think you talk about move ed6 in this position. :)
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+1 # marekk 03.11.2012 22:31
Yes ;-) ed6 is correct. nice move, because white don't have a good answer.
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+3 # Алексей 04.11.2012 08:20
Very nice post! I hope you are don't stop at this.
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