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Понедельник, 05 Ноября 2012 23:24

Brazilian draughts

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(6 голосов)

Today i show very interesting variants in brazilian draughts.

№ 1

white move. White play 1.c7-b8 h4-g3 2. h2xd6 (brazilian) e7xc5 3. b8-f4?? 

3... f8-g7!! 4.h6xf8 f6-g5!! 5. f8xd2 g5xc1 Nice :-)

№ 2

1.d2-e3 d4-c3 2. e3-d4 f8-e7!! 3. h6xf4 (brazilian ;) ) c3xe1

№ 3

1.c3-d4 f6-g5 2. b2-c3 g7-f6 3. g3-f4?? h8-g7! 4. c1-b2 d6-e5 5. fxd6 exc5 X 

6... gf4 

№ 4

1.c3-d4 d6-c5 2. d4-e5?? f6xd4 3.g3f4 g7-f6 4. f4-e5 d4-c3! X 

№ 5

1.gf4 fe5 2. hg3 ed4 3. cxe5 hg5 4.fxh6 dxh2 5. ab4 gf6 6. ba5 hg7 7. bc3 fe5 8. cb4 ef4?? 9.exg5 gf6

10. h6-g7!! fxf4 11. bc5 bxd4 12. de3 fxd2 13. exg7 ef6 14. gxe5 cb6 15. axc7 bxf4 16. cd2 17. fg3 X

№ 6

1. cd4 dc5 2.bc3 ed6 3. cb4 hg5 4. gf4 gh6 5. ba5 hg7 6. fg3? gh4! 7. ab2 hxf2 8. exg3 

8... hg5! 9.fxh6 cb4 10. a3xg5 fe7 11. hxd6 cxe1 12. axc7 exa1 13. cb2 axf2 14. gxe3 bxd6 X 

№ 7

1.ab4 ba5 2. ba3 ab6! 3.ed4 fe5 4. dxf6 gxe5 5. de3 bc5 6. cd4 axc3! 7. dxb6? (russian theory) cxa5 8. ed4?? 

8... ef4!! 9. gxc7 cxe5 +1 

№ 8

1. ef4 Black almost always corresponds to fg5. This is a strong move, but a lot of players know the theory

interesting solution after 1.ef4 in brazilin draughts is move bc5

1.ef4 bc5 2. cb4 fg5 3. de3  ( 3. fe5 dxf4 4. gxe5  4... ab6 4.... ed6 ) [3. ba5? gxe3 4. fxb6 a.c5 -/+ ] 3...ab6! 4. gh4

4... cd4! 5. exa7 gxe3 6. fxd4 hg5 7. hxf6 gxa5 -/+ 

№ 9

1. gh4 bc5 2. ef4 ab6 3. de3?? 

3... cb4!! 4. axa7 cb6 5. axc5 dxd2 6. exc3 fg5 X 


Tomorrow begins the Polish Championship. I decided to play some games with my draughts friend :-) The games were played  on polish games server playok.com on time 2+2 

I show two interesting positions. 

1. Kniola - Kuczewski

In this positions i play 1. fg5!! bc7? (ba7! =) 2. ed2! ed4 3. ef4! cb6 ( 3... dc3 4. de3 cxa5 5. gf6 exg 6. hxf6 ++/--) 

(3... de3 4. fe5! dxh6 5. bxb8 exc1 6. bf4 X ) ( 3... fg7 4. fe5 X ) 4. dc3 dxb2 5. axc1 cxa3 6. cb2 axc1 7. gh6 cxg5 

8. hxd8 X 


2. Kniola - Niczyporuk

I found a beautiful plan with motives of combination. 

1. ed4!! cxe3 2.dxf4 dc7 ( 2.. ab6 3. gh6 hg7 4. ef2 dc7 5. fe3 ed4 6. exa7 cb6 7. axc5 dxd2 8. cxe3 axc1 9. ed4 +1 X ) 3. cd4! exc3 4. bxd4 hg7 (4... cb6. 5. cb2 6. de5 7. gh6 ) 5. gh6 ab4. 6. ed2 bc3 (6... ab6/cb6 7. dc5 8. fe5 X )

7. dxb2 fe5 8. dc3 gf6 9. cd4 exc3 bxd4 X

Прочитано 5183 раз Последнее изменение Четверг, 08 Ноября 2012 05:37


+4 # Ivan Trofimov 06.11.2012 01:57
Very interesting materials! Especially for players in russian checkers. Now they will not make mistakes debut!
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