Единый шашечный сайт

Понедельник, 02 Сентября 2013 17:25



This manual outlines the main points that can cause issues. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please post it in the comments section.

How to log on

How to use the program

How to log on

When logging on, please choose a country from a drop down list. If your country is not specified, select "Another Country" and please post a request in the comments section.

When logging on, it is advisable to complete all the fields. Your email address will be used only to enable password recovery.

One can edit his/her profile any time after logging on (except for the “Nickname”).

How to use the program

At the moment the program includes three kinds of draughts:

64 – Russian draughts

100 – International draughts

64-2x – Two move draughts (the rules)

Each kind of draughts has a "For beginners" section. If combinations of this section are too simple, you can ignore it. A separate scoring is provided for this section, and the points scored in it can’t be added to the points scored in other sections.


The pieces should be captured stepwise

The combination can be solved time and again, but the score points for solving of one combination are given once

If one makes a wrong move thrice, the combination is blocked for 5 minutes

In case a combination has several solutions, it is sufficient to specify just one

If you found a right solution, but the program has disallowed it – please write us about it


Thank you for reading this manual. Now you can use the AJLA combination program!

Solve and win points!

Последнее изменение Воскресенье, 02 Марта 2014 01:53

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