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Вторник, 14 Мая 2024 07:00

Art of Brazil

Оцените материал
(16 голосов)

Art of Brazil

positions with combination ideas

Diagram 1

1.g1-h2! f6-g5 2.h2-g3 b6-c5!! 3.a5-b6! ( 3.g3-f4?? c5-d4!! X )

3…c7xa5 4.g3-f4! d8-e7 5.f4xh6 e7-f6 6.e3-f4 d6-e5! 7.f4xd6 c5xe7 8.b4-c5 b8-c7 9.f2-g3! h4xf2 10.e1xg3 c7-b6! 11.c3-d4 a5-b4 12.g3-f4! b4xd6 13.d4-e5! f6xd4 14.h6-g7 d4-c3 15.g7-f8 c3-d2 16.f4-e5 d6xf4 17.f8xe1 =

Diagram 2

1...f6-e5 2.a3-b4! e5xg3 3.h2xf4 d8-c7 4.e1-d2!! a7-b6??
[ 4...e7-f6! 5.b4-c5 d6xb4 6.a5xc3 a7-b6 ( 6...c7-d6?? 7.f4-e5 f6xb2 8.d2-c3 b2xd4 9.e3xe7 g5-f4 10.e7-d8 f4-g3 11.f2-e3 g3-f2 12.d8-f6 f2xd4 13.f6xc3 h4-g3 14.c3-e1 g3-h2 15.e1-d2 a7-b6 16.d2-e3 b6-a5 17.e3-d2 X) 7.f4-e5 f6xb2 8.d2-c3 b2xd4 9.e3xa7 c7-b6 10.a7xc5 g5-f4 =]

5.d2-c3 e7-f6 ( 5…b6-c5 f4-e5!! X )

6.c3-d4 f6-e5 7.d4xf6 g5xe7 8.e3-d4 e7-f6 9.d4-e5 f6xd4 10.f2-g3 h4xf2 11.g1xe7 X

Diagram 3

1.a3-b4? d4-c3!! 2.b2xf6 e7xe3 3.e1-d2 a7-b6! 4.d2xf4 b6-c5! =+ adv. black

1…d4xb2 2.a1xc3 a7-b6 3.a3-b4!! b6-c5 4.c3-d4! c5xg5 5.h4xd4 = equal position

Diagram 4

1...g5-f4! 2.e3xg5 h6xf4 3.g1-h2 h8-g7 4.f2-g3?? f4-e3! 5.e1-d2 c5-d4! 6.c3xc7 a5xe1 7.c7-b8 e1xh4 X

Diagram 5

1.b4-c5!! d6xb4 2.a3xc5 c7-b6??
{ 2...f8-g7?? 3.e1-f2! d8-e7 4.c5-b6! c7xa5 5.f4-e5 f6xd4 6.h4xd8 X }
{ 2...d8-e7! 3.e1-f2 e7-d6 4.c5xe7 f8xd6 5.f4-e5 d6xf4 6.f2-g3 h8-g7 7.g3xe5 f6xf2 8.h4xh8 f2-g1 =}

3.c5-d6!! b6-a5 4.d2-c3 d8-e7
[ 4...a7-b6 5.c1-d2! d8-e7 6.f4-e5!! f6xb2 ( 6...f6xf2 7.h4xd8 f2-g1 8.c3-d4! g1xe7 9.d8xh4 X) 7.h4xd8 b2-c1 8.a1-b2! c1xe7 9.d8xf6 X ]

5.f4-e5 f6xf2 6.h4xd8 f2-g1 7.c3-b4! a5xc3 8.e1-f2 g1xe7 9.d8xb2 X

Diagram 6

( 15…b6-c5 16.d4xb6 f6xb2 17.a5xa1 c7xa5 += adv. white)

( 2.f2-g3 g5-h4 3.g3-f4 e7-d6 4.h2-g3 h4xf2 5.e1xg3 d8-e7 6.g3-h4 e7-f6 7.d4-c5!! b6xb2 8.a5xa1 f6xd4 9.c1-b2!! a3xg5 10.h4xh8 d4-e3 11.h8-c3 c7-b6 12.c3-a5 b8-c7 13.a5-b4 b6-c5 14.b4-a5 e3-f2 15.a5xd8 f2-e1 16.a1-b2 c5-d4 17.d8-b6 =)

2...g7xe5 3.d4xh4 b8-a7!! (with threat 4…a3-b2!!) 4.c3-d4 e7-f6! 5.a5xc3 f6-g5! 6.h4xf6 d8-e7! 7.f6xd8 b6-a5! 8.d8xb6 a7xg1 =+ adv.black

Diagram 7

1.b4-a5 g5-f4!! 2.a5xg7 f4xb4 3.e1-d2! h8xf6 4.d2-c3 b4xd2 5.f2-e3 d2xf4 6.g3xg7 h6-g5 7.h4xf6 f8xh6 =+ adv. black

Diagram 8

1…d8-e7?? 2.e1-f2! g5-h4
[ 2...h8-g7 3.c1-b2! a7-b6 4.g3-f4! f6-e5 5.e3-d4!! e5xe1 6.d4-e5! d6xf4 7.b4xf8 e1xb4 8.a3xa7 X]

3.c1-b2! a7-b6
[ 3...h8-g7 4.g3-f4! a7-b6 ( 4...f6-e5 5.f4-g5 h6xd2 6.c3xe1 a5xc3 7.b2xh8 X) 5.f4-e5 X]

4.g3-f4!! f6-e5 5.f4-g5!! h6xd2 6.c3xe1 a5xc3 7.b2xd8 X

Diagram 9

1.e3-d4!! b6-c5 2.d4xb6 a5xc7 3.d2-e3! c7-b6??
[ 3...h6-g5! 4.f4xh6 e5-f4! ( 4...d6-c5?? 5.e3-f4 c7-d6 6.f4-g5 c5-d4 7.c3-b4 d4-e3 8.f2xd4 e5xa5 9.h6-g7!! f8xf4 10.g3xg7 X) 5.g3xg7 e7-f6 6.g7xe5 d6xb4 7.h4-g5 b4-c3 8.g5-f6 c3-b2 9.f6-e7! f8xd6 10.h6-g7 =]

4.e3-d4 h6-g5 5.f4xh6 d6-c5 6.f2-e3 b6-a5 7.d4xb6 a5xc7 8.g3-f4 e5xg3 9.h2xf4 e7-d6 10.f4-g5!
[ 10.e3-d4? c7-b6 11.c3-b4 b6-a5 12.d4-c5 a5xc3 13.c5xg5 c3-b2 14.g5-f6 b2-a1 =]

10...f8-e7 11.c3-b4 c7-b6 12.b4-a5 b6-c5 13.h6-g7 f6xh8 14.g5-f6 e7xg5 15.h4xf6 X

Diagram 10

1...e7-d6! 2.c3-d4
[ 2.e3-d4 e5-f4 3.d4-c5 ( 3.d4-e5 b8-c7 4.e5xg3 h2xf4 5.g1-h2 c7-b6 6.f2-g3 d8-c7 7.g3xe5 d6xf4 X; 3.f2-g3 f4-e3 4.d4xf2 h2xf4 5.g1-h2 d8-e7 6.f2-g3 f4-e3 7.g3-f4 e3xg5 8.h6xf4 e7-f6 9.h2-g3 f8-g7 10.g3-h4 g7-h6 X) 3...d8-e7 4.f2-g3 f4-e3 5.g3-f4 e3xg5 6.h6xf4 f8-g7 7.f4-e5 d6xf4 8.c5-d6 e7xc5 9.b4xd6 g7-f6 X]

2...e5xc3 3.b4xd2 f8-g7!! 4.h6xf8 d6-c5 5.f8xb4 a5xg3 X

Diagram 11

1.e3-d4! f8-g7 2.f2-e3!! h4xf2 3.d4-c5!! d6xf4 4.g1xe7 g7-f6! 5.e7xg5 e5-d4 =

Diagram 12

1.c3-b4!! a3:g5 2.d2-c3!! f6:b2 3.h4:h8 b2-a1 4.c1-b2! =

Diagram 13

1...b8-a7! 2.g5-h6
( 2.e1-f2 d8-c7 3.f2-g3 c7-d6 4.g5-h6 b4-a3 5.d2-e3 a7-b6 6.g3-f4 b6-c5! 7.d4xb6 a5xc7 8.c3-d4 c7-b6 X)

2...d8-c7 3.e1-f2
( 18.c1-b2 f6-g5!! 19.h4xb6 a7xa3 X)

3...f6-g5!! 4.h4xb6 a7xg1 X

Diagram 14

1.c3-d4! c7-b6 2.e3-f4 b6-a5 3.d2-c3 d8-c7 4.c1-d2 c7-d6 5.d2-e3 d6-c5 6.d4xb6 a5xc7 7.g5-h6 c7-d6 8.h6-g7!! f6xh8 9.e3-d4! e7-f6 10.f4-g5 f8-e7 11.g5-h6 h8-g7!! 12.h6xf8 d6-c5! 13.f8xb4 a3xe3 14.c3-b4 e3-f2 15.h4-g5 f6xh4 16.b4-c5 =

Diagram 15

1…c5-d4! 2.h4-g5!
[ 2.e1-f2? e7-f6! 3.f4-g5?? d4-e3!! 4.g5xc5 e3xg1 X]

2...d4-e3! 3.f4xd2 g7-h6 4.e1-f2 h6xf4 5.b4-c5! d6xb4 6.a3xc5 e7-f6 7.f2-e3! f6-g5!
[ 7...f4-g3?? 8.e3-f4!! g3xe5 9.c5-d6 X]

8.e3-d4 f4-g3 9.d4-e5 g3-f2 10.c5-d6 c7-b6 11.d6-e7 f2-e1 12.e7-d8 e1xf6 13.d8xa5 =

Diagram 16

1…f6-e5 2.g3-f4! e5xg3 3.h4xf2 d6-e5?? 4.c1-d2!! a3xc1 5.e3-f4 c1xg5 6.h6xb8 X

Diagram 17

1.g3-f4?? e5xg3 2.h4xf2 c5-d4!! 3.c3xg7 e7-f6! 4.g7xe5 d6xd2 X

Diagram 18

[ 1.f2-e3! g3-f2 2.e1xg3 h2xf4 3.e3xg5 h6xf4 4.g1-f2!! c7-b6 5.c5-d6! e7xc5 6.f2-e3 =]

1...c7-b6! 2.d2-e3 b6xd4 3.e3xc5 e7-f6 4.b4-a5 e5-d4!! 5.c5xe3 f6-e5! 6.e3-f4 e5-d4 7.f4-g5 h6xf4 8.f2-e3 d4xf2 9.g1xg5 g3-f2 10.e1xg3 h2xh6 X


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