Part 2. Combinations & countercombinations Part 1. Unexpected sacrifice |
Diagram 1 dkdo – mazal; gambler 2022 black goes on the attack 13...e5-f4!! 14. g1-h2 h4-g3!! 15. f2xh4 e7-f6 16. e1-f2 f6-e5 17. a3-b4! c5xa3 18. f2-g3 d6-c5 19. h6-g7 f8xh6 20. h4-g5 e5-d4 21. c3xe5 f4xd6 22. d2-c3 h6xf4 23. g3xc7 d8xb6 24. h2-g3 c5-b4 25. c1-d2! b6-c5 26. g3-h4! c5-d4 27. c3xe5 a3-b2 28. e5-f6 b2-c1 [ 16. ... b2-a1 17.f6-e7 b4-a3 18.e7-f8 a1-h8 19.d2-e3 a3-b2 20.e3-f4 b2-a1 21.h4-g5 = ] 29. d2-c3 b4xd2 30. f6-g7 c1-b2 31. g7-h8 b2-c1 32. h4-g5 d2-e1 33. g5-h6 a5-b4 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 2 mazal – Denis_13; gambler 2020 10. e3-f4! e5xg3 11. f2-e3! and the white is freed from the shackles 11...f6-e5 12. h4xf2 g7-h6 13. e3-f4 e5xg3 14. f2xh4 e7-f6 15. d2-e3 b6-c5 16. b4xd6 c7xe5 17. b2-c3 b8-c7 18. a3-b4 h6-g5 19. c3-d4 e5xc3 20. b4xd2 c7-d6 21. d2-c3 d6-c5 22. a5-b6 c5-b4 23. c3xa5 a7xc5 24. e1-f2 g5-f4 25. e3xe7 d8xf6 26. f2-e3 f6-e5 27. e3-f4 e5xg3 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 3 gregur – matvej27; gambler 2020 it seems that white has no good options 17. f4-g5!! f6xh4 18. d2-c3 c5-b4 19. c3-d4 b4-c3 20. d4xb2 g7-f6 21. b2-c3 e7-d6 22. c1-d2? mistake [easy win after 22.c3-d4! X] 22...d6-e5 23. g1-h2 c7-d6 24. e3-f4 e5xg3 25. h2xf4 f6-e5 26. a5-b6 e5xg3 27. b6-a7 g3-h2 28. a7-b8 d6-c5 29. c3-b4 c5-d4 30. b8-a7 a3xc5 31. d2-c3 d4xb2 32. a7xa1 h2-g1 33. h6-g7 f8xh6 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 4 gregur – Invisible; gambler 2020 10. e3-f4! e5xg3 11. f2-e3! g3-f2 12. e1xg3 h2xf4 13. e3xg5 h6xf4 14. d2-e3 f4xd2 15. c3xe1 f6-g5 16. h4xf6 e7xg5 17. e1-f2 d8-e7 18. c1-d2 e7-f6 19. d2-e3 f6-e5 20. f2-g3 g5-h4 21. g1-f2 e5-f4 22. e3xg5 h4xf6 23. g3-h4 f6-e5 24. f2-e3 e5-d4 25. e3-f4 d4-c3 26. b4xd2 {Black resigns.} 2-0 |
Diagram 5 Miloserdnyj – mazal; gambler 2020 19. h6-g7! f8xh6 20. f4-g5! h6xf4 21. e3xg5 c5-d4!! 22. a3xe3 e7-f6 23. g5xc5 b6xb2 24. d2-c3 b2xf2 25. g3xe1 e5-d4 26. h4-g5 d4-c3 27. g5-f6 c3-b2 28. f6-e7 a5-b4 29. e7-f8 b4-a3 30. f8-g7 b2-a1 31. g7-h8 a7-b6 32. e1-d2 a3-b2 33. h8-g7 b6-c5 34. g7-f8 c5-d4 35. f8-h6 b2-c1 36. d2-c3 d4xb2 37. h2-g3 c1-d2 38. h6xa3 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 6 mazal – beluga; gambler 2022 11...h6-g5!! 12. f4xh6 c7-d6! 13. f2-g3 h4xf2 14. e1xg3 d6-e5 15. e3-f4? c5xg5 16. h6xd6 e7xc5 17. c3-b4 c5-d4 18. b4-c5 d4-e3 19. c5xa7 f6-g5! 20. b2-c3 g5-h4 21. g3-f4 e3xg5 22. a3-b4 g5-f4 23. c3-d4 h4-g3 24. b4-c5 f8-e7 25. c5-b6 e7-f6 26. b6-c7 b8xd6 27. g1-f2 g3xe1 28. a7-b8 d6-e5 29. d4-c5 e1-g3 30. c5-b6? [30.c5-d6! =] 30...f6-g5 31. b6-c7 g5-h4 32. c7-d8 g3-h2 33. d8-e7?? e5-d4 {White resigns.} 0-2 |
Diagram 7 mazal – depech; gambler 2020 9. b4-c5 d6xb4 10. f2-e3 g7-h6 11. e3xe7 d8xf6 12. h2-g3 h6-g5! in Brazilian version this sacrifice is justified, but in Russian version white has a bad position 13. g3-h4 h8-g7 {White resigns.} 0-2 |
Diagram 8 mazal – tsinman; gambler 2022 14. d2-e3? mistake [ 14.d2-c3!! b4xd6 15.c3-b4 b8-c7 16.c1-b2 in Russian white has a winning position ] 14...b4xd6 15. d4-c5 d6xb4 16. a3xc5 b8-c7 17. c1-b2 h6-g5 18. f4xh6 f6-e5 19. b2-c3?? the draw after19.h4-g5! 19...c7-b6 20. e3-d4 e5-f4 21. c3-b4 b6-a5 {White resigns.} 0-2 |
Diagram 9 mazal – Dkdo; gambler 2022 10. c3-b4!! e7-d6 11. c5xe7 a3xc5 12. d4xb6 a7xc5 13. d2-c3 d8xf6 14. c1-b2! c7-b6 15. g3-h4 b6-a5 16. c3-d4 c5-b4 17. b2-a3 f6-e5 18. f4xd6 f8-g7?? 19. a3xc5 g5-f4 20. e3xg5 h6xf4 21. d6-c7 g7-f6 22. c7-b8 {Black resigns.} 2-0
Diagram 10 G.Getmanskii – M.Zhekeyev; World Youth Championship 2017; Kranevo (Bulgaria); classic; Brazilian version in this position black thought that they are winning 14...f6-g5 15.f2-e3 c7-b6 but after this move followed an unexpected sacrifice 16. c5-d6!! e7xc5 17. d2-c3 d8-c7? 18. e1-f2 a5-b4 19. c3xa5 c5-d4 20. e3xc5 b6xd4 21. f2-e3 d4xf2 22. g1xe3 c7-d6 23. b2-c3! d6-e5?? 24. f4xd6 h4-g3 25. d6-e7 g5-f4 26. e3xg5 h6xf4 27. e7-d8 g3-h2 28. d8-b6 b8-c7 29. b6xd8 f4-e3 30. d8-h4 h2-g1 31. a7-b8 {Black resigns.} 2-0 |
Diagram 11 G.Getmanskii – Vladimir Egorov; World Championship among juniors 2008; Novoyarovsk (Ukraine); classic; Brazilian version 16. d4-c5! d6xb4 17. a3xc5 g7-f6 18. c5-b6!! white fearlessly sacrifices the checker 18...c7-d6 [impossible 18...e7-d6 due to 19.f4-e5! f6xb2 20.d2-c3 b2xd4 21.e3xe7 d8xf6 22.b6xd8 X] 19. c3-b4! a5xc7 20. d2-c3 {Black resigns.} 2-0 |
Diagram 12 mazal – Yerotomanka; gambler 2022 12. a3-b4 [White misses an easy win after 12. d2-e3 b6-c5 13. d4:b6 b8-a7 14. g3-h4 a7:c5 15. a3-b4!! e5:g3 16. h2:f4 c5:a3 17. e3-d4 d6-c5 18. d4:b6 c7-d6 19. g1-f2 d8-e7 20. f2-e3 X] 12...b6-c5 13. d4xb6 f6-g5 black makes an unexpected sacrifice 14. d2-e3 g5-h4 15. g1-f2? [easy win after 15.e3-d4 h4xf2 16.g1xe3 X] 15...g7-f6 16. c3-d4 e5xc3 17. b4xd2 b8-a7 18. f4-e5 a7xc5 19. e5xg7 h6xf8 20. g3-f4 f8-e7 21. d2-c3 c7-b6 22. a5xe5 c5-d4 23. e3xc5 e7-d6 24. e5xc7 d8xb2 25. f4-e5 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 13 depech – gregur; gambler 2020 6.d4-e5!! f6:d4 7.g1-h2! e7-f6!! 8.f4-e5 d6:f4 9.g3:c3 h6-g5! 10.h2-g3 c5-d4 11.c3:e5 f6:d4 12.e3:c5 b6:d4 13.b2-c3 d4:b2 14.a3:c1 g7-f6 15.d2-e3 f6-e5 16.c1-b2 c7-d6 17.e3-d4 e5:c3 18.b2:d4 d8-c7 19.f2-e3 h4:f2 20.e1:g3 g5-h4 21.a1-b2 h4:f2 22.e3:g1 a7-b6 23.g1-f2 d6-c5 24.f2-e3 f8-g7 25.d4-e5 c7-d6 26.a5:c7 d6:d2 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 14 mazal – Miloserdnyj; gambler 2020 10. f2-g3 h2xf4 11. e1-f2 b8-a7 12. b2-a3 f4-g3 13. f2xh4 b6-c5?? 14. d4xb6 a7xc5 [ easy win after 13...e5-f4! 5.g1-h2 d6-e5 6.b4-c5 c7-d6 7.a5:c7 d8:b6 X] 15.g1-h2 white has a winning position |
Diagram 15 dudden2020 – gregur; gambler 2021 11. b2-c3 a7-b6? [ the win after 11...e7-f6! 12. a1-b2 f6:d4 13. c3:e5 d8-e7 14. b2-c3 e7-f6 15. c3-d4 a7-b6 16. f4-g5 h6:f4! 17. e3:e7 c5:c1 18. a3:a7 d6:f8 X] 12. a1-b2? [ the draw after an unexpected sacrifice 2. h4-g5!! e7-f6!! 3. g5:e7 d8:b2 4. a1:c3 g7-f6 5. g3-h4 f6-e5 6. h2-g3 e5-d4 7. c3:e5 b4-c3 8. d2:b4 a5:c3 9. h4-g5 b6-a5 10. g3-h4 a5-b4 11. g5-f6 c3-b2 12. a3:c1 b4-c3 13. c1-d2 c3:g3 14. h4:f2 =] 12...e7-f6 13. f4-g5 f6xd4 14. c3xe5 h6xf4 15. e3xg5 d6xh6 16. b2-c3 h6-g5 17. h4xf6 g7xe5 18. f2-e3 h8-g7 19. e3-f4 c7-d6 20. f4-g5 g7-h6 21. g3-f4 e5xg3 22. h2xf4 d8-e7 23. f4-e5 h6xf4 24. e5xg3 d6-e5 25. g3-h4 e7-f6 {White resigns.} 0-2 |
Diagram 16 G.Getmanskii – N.Struchkov; European Championship 2019; Izmir (Turkey); classic; Russian version 8.g1-h2 d6-e5 9.f2-e3? 9...f4-g3!! 10.h2xd6 c7xe5 11.a5xc7 b8xd6 [ in first game black missed an unexpected sacrifice and played 9...c7-d6 10.e3xg5 h4xf6 11.a5xc7 d8xb6 then the game ended in a draw ] 12.e1-f2 e7-f6 13.e3-d4 d8-c7 14.a3-b4? c7-b6 15.d2-e3 b6-c5 16.d4xb6 a7xa3 17.e3-d4 f6-g5 18.d4xf6 g5xe7 19.c3-d4 e7-f6 20.c1-d2? d6-e5 21.d4-c5 e5-f4 22.c5-b6?? f4-g3 23.f2-e3 g3-h2 24.b6-a7 h4-g3 25.d2-c3 a3-b2 26.e3-d4 b2-c1 27.a7-b8 h2-g1 28.b8xh2 g1xa7 29.h2-c7 a7-b8 30.c7-b6 f6-e5 31.b6-a7 c1-a3 32.a7-e3 b8-a7 33.e3-c1 a7-b6 34.c1-d2 e5-d4 35.c3xe5 f8-g7 36.h6xf8 b6-c5 37.f8xb4 a3xc1 {White resigns.} 0-2 |
Diagram 17 runor – gregur; gambler 2021 15...b4-c3! 16. b2xd4 f8-g7 17. e5-d6! [ 17.c1-d2 b6-a5 18.d2-c3 a5-b4! second unexpected sacrifice 19.c3:a5 a7-b6 20.e5-d6!The game is a draw ] 17...c7xc3 18. g5-f6 e7xe3 19. g3-f4 e3xg5 20. h4xh8 a3-b2 21. c1xa3 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 18 S.Belosheev – G.Getmanskii; European Championship 2019; Izmir (Turkey); blitz; Russian version it seems that black has no good options 12...e5-d4 13. c1-b2 but follows an unexpected sacrifice 13...d6-e5! 14. b4xd6 c7-b6!! 15. a5xc7 d8xb6 16. e3xc5 e5xc7 17. b2-c3! the only reasonable option 17...b6xb2 18. a3xc1 g5xe3 19. f2xd4 h4xf2 20. g1xe3 c7-d6 21. e3-f4 d6-c5 22. d4xb6 a7xc5 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 19 Kondrachenko E. – G.Getmanskii; White nights 2019; classic 1. a3xc5 b6xd4! 2. c3xe5 d6xf4 3. g3xe5 h6-g5! 4. e3-d4 g7-h6! 5. b2-a3 e7-d6 no problems for black |
Diagram 20 G.Getmanskii – D.Shkatula; European Championship 2021; Cappadocia (Turkey); classic; Brazilian version 8. . . d4-e3!?
[ 8. ... e7-f6! 9.g5:e7 d8:f6 10.e1-d2!= ] 9.e1-d2 c5-d4 [ weakly 9. ... c7-b6? 10.d2:f4 b6-a5 11.b2-c3c5-d4? 12.c3:c7 a5:c3 13.g5-f6! e7:e3 14.a3-b4!! c3:a5 15.c1-b2 b8:d6 16.g3-f4 e3:g5 17.h4:h8 ] 10.d2:f4 g7-f6 [ 10. ... g7-h6 11.b4-a5 d6-c512.a3-b4 c5:a3 13.c1-d2 a3:e3 14.f4:d2 h6:f4 15.g3:c3 e7-d6+= ] 11.b4-a5 d4-c3 12.b2:d4 d6-e5 13.f4:d6 e7:e3 14.g5:e7 d8:f6 15.a3-b4 c7-b6 16.a5:c7 b8:d6 17.b4-a5 d6-c5 18.c1-b2 f8-g7 19.b2-c3 c5-b4 20.c3-d4 e3:c5 21.a5:c3 c5-d4 22.c3:e5 f6:d4 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
Diagram 21 Ka3aX – gregur; gambler 2021 in this position there is a choice from two sacrifices at once 14...e5-f4 [ another possibility 14...e5-d4 2. e3:c5 c7-b6 3. c5-d6 b6-c5 4. b2-a3 c5:e7 5. b4-c5! d8-c7 6. h2-g3 c7-b6 7. c3-d4 a5-b4 8. g3-f4 b4:d6 9. d4-e5 d6-c5 10. e5-d6 g7-f6 11. d6:f8 b6-a5 12. f8:b4 = ] 15. e3xg5 g7-h6 16. g1-f2 h6xf4 17. f2-g3 f4-e3 18. b2-a3 e3-d2 19. c3xe1 a5xc3 20. g3-f4 c7-d6 21. h4-g5 d8-e7 22. h2-g3 a7-b6 23. g5-h6 b6-c5 24. g3-h4 c5-b4 25. a3xc5 d6xb4 26. f4-g5 c3-b2 27. g5-f6 e7xg5 28. h4xf6 b2-c1 29. f6-e7 {The game is a draw.} 1-1 |
17.fg5 fh4 18.dc3 cb4 19.cd4 bc3? проигрывает. Следовало играть 19...hg3! 20.ac3 ab2 21.ca3 gf2 22.ab4 gf6 23.ef4 fe1 24.ba5 eb4 25.ac3 ed6 26.gf2 cb6 27.fg3 ba5 28.gh4 dc5 29.db6 ac7=
Диагр 4
20.fg3 gh4? Проигрывает. Ничья после 20...ef4 21.ge5 dd2 22.bb8 bc5=
Диагр 5
Можно играть и 19.cd4 ee1 20.ed4 cg5 21.hd8 eh4 22.ae7 fd6 23.hg7=
Диагр 8
19.bc3 cb6 20.ed4? Проигр
Надо играть 20.cd6! ec7 (20...ec5 21.ef4 eg3 22.hf2 ba5 23.fe3 cb4 24.cd4 ba3 25.de5=) 21.cb4! cd6 (21....ba5? 22.hg5 ac3 23.ed4 ce5 24.gf6X) 22.ba5 bc5 23.hg5 ef6 24.ge7 df8 25.ab6=
23.bc3 de5? Проигрывает
Ничья после 23...hg3! 24.fh2 de5 25.ed4 ef4 26.dc5 fg3 c=
Диагр 11
16.dc5 db4 17.ac5 gf6 18.cb6? Проигрывает (Следовало играть 18.hg3 cd6 19.cb4 ac3 20.db4 dc7 21.ba5 db4 22.ac3 ed6 23.cb4 fe5 24.ba5 ed4=) 18...cd6 (18....ed6X) 19.cb4 ac7 20.dc3 И не
понятно, почему чёрные сдались? Ведь у чёрных выигрыш 20...fe5 21.ba5 (21.hg3 cb6 22.qc5 ed4X) 21...eg3 22.hf4 ef6X
Диагр 13
6.de5 fd4 7.gh2 ef6 8.fe5 .df4 9.gc3 hg5 10.hg3 cd4 11.ce5 fd4 12.ec5 bd4 13.bc3 db2 14.ac1? Проигрывает из-за 14...fe7! 15.de3 cd6! 16.ed4 (16.gf4 gh6 17.ab2 ef6X) 17...dc5 18.db6 ac5 19.ab2 dc7 20.cd2 ef6 21.de3 fe5X
21.dc5 ef4 22.cb6? Ничья после 22.fe3 fg3 23.ef4 ge5 24.cb6 hg3 25.bc7=
Диагр 17
15...bc3 16.bd4 fg7 Можно играть и 17.cb2 ac1 18.gf6 ec5 (18...cg5 19.fh8 gc1 20.gf4 cg5 21.hd8 ba5 22.db6 ae3=) 19.gf4 cg5 20.hh8 ba5 21.hf6 ab4 22.fd8 ab6 23.ed6 ce7 24.df6 hg5 25.fh4 bc3=
Диагр 20
8...de3 9.ed2? Проигрывает из-за 9...cb6! 10.df4 ba5 11.bc3 cd4 12.cc7 ac3 13.gf6 ge5! 14.fd6 ec5X
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